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23:00:06 - 21.12.2024
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Тестоделитель Sigma SE 37

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Тестоделитель Sigma SE 37
Тестоделитель Sigma SE 37 - купить в интернет-магазине OCEAN-WAVE.ru
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916 815 Р

The divider Sigma SE 37 used by a small public catering enterprises, bakeries and confectionary for dividing dough portions 37 of the hexagonal shape. The model is equipped with adjustable time pressure, automatic operation cycle, the pressure by cutting and lifting the cover. The control panel has a button for cleaning the knives. The working chamber, the blades and the inner part of the lid is made of stainless steel.


  • Weight portions of the test: 40 to 150g
  • Voltage: 380 V
  • Rated power: 0.75 kW
  • Volume of hopper: 4.8 kg
  • Dimensions: mm 615x685x1100
  • Weight: 230 kg
Технические характеристики Тестоделитель Sigma SE 37
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23:00:06 - 21.12.2024
22:17:42 - 19.12.2024
23:00:06 - 21.12.2024
23:00:06 - 21.12.2024