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12:17:30 - 14.03.2025
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Мукопросеиватель Sottoriva SF

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Мукопросеиватель Sottoriva SF
Мукопросеиватель Sottoriva SF - купить в интернет-магазине OCEAN-WAVE.ru
В наличии
262 590 Р

Mucoperiostal SF Sottoriva is designed for sifting, loosening and enrichment with oxygen of the main cooking ingredient is flour (so that the process of fermentation of the dough took place more intensively). Also mucoperiostal required to remove from flour metalloprotease, foreign particles and dissolved oxygen.

The sifted flour falls directly into the bowl of a dough mixer.


  • Vibration system;
  • The direct connection to the mixer;
  • Device equipped with a magnetic trap (of separation) required to hold on its surface metal particles.


  • Dimensions: mm 1030x790x1390
  • Capacity: 50 kg for 6 to 8 minutes
  • Power: 0.37 kW
  • Voltage: 380 V
  • Weight: 152 kg
  • Number of phases: 3
Технические характеристики Мукопросеиватель Sottoriva SF
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12:17:30 - 14.03.2025
12:17:30 - 14.03.2025
12:17:30 - 14.03.2025
12:17:30 - 14.03.2025