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12:17:26 - 14.03.2025
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Мукопросеиватель ATESY Каскад

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Доставка по городу: 800 р.
Мукопросеиватель ATESY Каскад
Мукопросеиватель ATESY Каскад - купить в интернет-магазине OCEAN-WAVE.ru
В наличии
27 900 Р


  • Length 405 mm
  • Width 560 mm
  • Height 800 mm
  • Voltage 380V
  • Power 180 W
  • Weight 33 kg
  • Volume of the hopper 40 l
  • Capacity up to 150 kg/h


Mucoperiostal vibration "Cascade" is designed for sifting,loosening and aerating compost flour (for a more intense fermentation process of the dough) on public catering enterprises.

The structure and operation of mucoproteins


The principle of sifter is to use the vibrating sieve through which portions (not more than 5 kg at a time) skipped the flour.

The installation is provided with a magnetic trap (of separation) is required to maintain at its surface metal particles.

Technological nut (nut) provides a quick fastening hopper with sieve on the vibration platform.

All capacitive bunkers, all visible parts in direct contact with flour, except for the sieves, made of stainless steel.


Технические характеристики Мукопросеиватель ATESY Каскад
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12:17:27 - 14.03.2025
23:58:14 - 13.03.2025
12:17:27 - 14.03.2025
12:17:27 - 14.03.2025